Reactivating a Retired Asset from the Assets Data Page

A retired asset may be reactivated at the Assets Data page when the retired assets are displayed.

  1. To reactivate a retired asset, go to the Assets Data page by selecting Assets > Asset Data from the navigation pane. By default the retired assets are not displayed.

Assets Data page

  1. At the Assets Data page, mark the Show Retired Assets checkbox, so that the retired assets are displayed. The Show Retired Assets checkbox is found at the bottom of the page's grid, to the right.

Assets Data page - Show Retired Assets check box marked

  1. A retired asset will have an Unretire icon. To reactive an asset that is retired, click the Unretire iconUnretire icon. A dialog appears asking you to confirm that you want to "unretire" this asset.

Unretire asset prompt

  1. To reactivate this asset, close the dialog, and return to the Assets form, click OK.
  2. To keep the asset retired, close the dialog, and return to the Assets form, click Cancel.
  3. When an asset is un-retired, it will appear in the grid with the Retire icon. It is also put back into active use by the system. It may be added to asset inventory, and asset operations such as check in, check out, reservation, and a maintenance order or calibration order may be performed on it.